Saturday, March 13, 2010

Workaround for Joomla 1.5 and Mootools 1.2 Integration

Hi folks, I was stuck for some while to make my joomla installation work as required since the backend was still using mootools 1.11 while I was using mootools 1.2 .
This is how I solved it.
Edit the file behavior.php which is located in /libraries/joomla/html/html  ( your path may be different.. search for the file in that case )

Move to line 53

and add the following code in the else block

$a = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

            JHTML::script('mootools.js', 'media/system/js/', false);

            else JHTML::script('new.mootools.js', 'media/system/js/', false);

What this code is supposed to do is, check the current URL, and if it contains the word administrator, the old version of mootools is loaded,
else the newer version of mootools is loaded.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Management Funde

Lately I have observed a Tiny Fact about task distribution and quality of output from your peers. It turns out, that 90% people are good for everything ( provided the job does not require extensive domain expertise). It is also visible that for generic tasks its better to go for in-experienced professionals than the professional ones, since they are a little arrogant due to their experience. On the other hand, the in-experienced ones are cautious of the fact that they have to perform and thus display a better show.
Secondly, throughput decreases with increased experience and success.
I'd like to emphasize that this observation is only useful for common tasks of management and not those involving a level of technical/non-technical detail of the job.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Found In Sergey Brin's Old Resume

Found In Sergey Brin's Old Resume

via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 3/1/10

Sergey Brin's resume before he co-founded Google contains some interesting bits, including two comments hidden in the HTML (this looks authentic, but if you know more please comment). The first one reads:
A large office, good pay, and very little work.
Frequent expense-account trips to exotic lands would be a plus.-->
The second one:
<!-- <IMG ALIGN=LEFT SRC="pics/diamond.gif">
<H4><A HREF="/cgi-bin/sergey/HyperNews/get/forums/datamine.html">Data Mining</A></H4>
I have recently acquired an interest in data mining and started up a
meeting group.<P>-->
[Via Reddit.]
[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Found In Sergey Brin's Old Resume | Comments]