Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Distribution Release: VortexBox 1.0


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via DistroWatch.com: News on 12/22/09

Andrew Gillis has announced the release of VortexBox 1.0, a Fedora-based server distribution that turns an unused computer into a music server or jukebox: "VortexBox 1.0 released. After several months of hard work we have released VortexBox 1.0. It has many of the features requested by the community....


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New Linux kernel boosts graphics support, enhances KVM


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via DesktopLinux.com on 12/3/09

Linus Torvalds announced the release of a stable Linux 2.6.32 kernel. Major additions include kernel-based mode setting (KMS) and 3D graphics support on select Radeon cards, plus new kernel shared memory (KSM) technology for KVM virtualization, power-saving and performance improvements, and a faster "Devtmpfs" boot technology.


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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Etherpad Now Open Source

Which means that Hosting Wave like servers are even more easier for enterprises now.


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via Google Blogoscoped by Philipp Lenssen on 12/18/09

Etherpad, the tool by the company which Google bought to add to their Wave team, has now been open-sourced. "Our goal with this release" writes Aaron at the Etherpad blog "is to let the world run their own etherpad servers so that the functionality can live on even after we shut down etherpad.com." [Via Reddit.]

[By Philipp Lenssen | Origin: Etherpad Now Open Source | Comments]

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A look back on 2009


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via Google Code Blog by Mike Marchak on 12/21/09

2009 was a remarkable year for developers. Vic Gundotra, VP of our developer team declared at Google I/O, "The web has won!" and this year was full of launches and announcements that remind us how the web has become the platform of our day. We found lots of inspiration from the developers at Google I/O in San Francisco and at our Google Developer Days in Japan, China, Brazil, Russia and the Czech Republic.

Here's a look back at some of our favorite highlights from 2009:
It is a very exciting time to be a developer...we are just starting to see what is possible with the web as the platform. It will be a lot of fun to see where all of us, together, can take the web in 2010!

Happy Holidays from the Google Developer Team!

By Mike Marchak, on behalf of the Google Developer Team


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A Microsoft nod to Mozilla?


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via Mozilla Links by Percy Cabello on 12/14/09

You may have heard or read about last week's dialog. If not, here it is in brief:

  • First, Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, scared a few millions people by saying it's not possible to keep things in private. His suggestion: just not do that stuff. Media goes crazy.
  • Mozilla's Asa Dotzler suggested using Microsoft's Bing search engine, as it has the "less bad" privacy policy. As Mozilla's deal with Google accounts for about 90% of its revenue, he's in brief, saying: screw the bottom line, the mission is first. Business as usual for Mozilla. Media goes crazy about integrity.

And today, someone with enough sense of humor at Microsoft, decided to feature a firefox as Bing's background photo!

Firefox featured in Bing

Via Robert Accetura.


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